This study assessed the role of village leaders in combating cross-border smuggling at
the Namanga border in Tanzania. The study was guided by the Social Capital Theory
in 1988 with three specific objectives which were ...
MCHONDO, Yassin; ASSEY, Theophl(Institute of Accountancy Arusha (IAA), 2021-11)
In Tanzania, the adoption and use of blockchain technology in supply chains is still early and requires more time to fully realize this breakthrough. This study intends to analyse factors hindering the early adoption of ...
KOMBA, Walumbe Joseph; MSOLLA, Allan(Institute of Accountancy Arusha (IAA), 2021)
This study focused on assessing the impact of information management on human resource decision-making in Ruvuma Regional Secretariat. An explanatory research design and a qualitative research approach were used in this ...
This study assessed the contribution of POS machines in collecting own source revenue using the Sumbawanga Municipal Council as a case study. The study employed of descriptive research design. The target population for ...
NGUNDA, Samwel S.; MKUMBO, Happiness(Institute of Accountancy Arusha (IAA), 2021-11)
This study has assessed cyber security measures taken by TANAPA to protect assets. The study engaged explanatory research design, and quantitative approach. Sample size was 225. Questionnaires was used to collect quantitative ...
IBRAHIMU, Salha; MSOLLA, Allan(Institute of Accountancy Arusha (IAA), 2021-11)
The study aims to assessment of Impact of digital business for effective tax collection in Tanzania (a case of TRA-Arusha).This mixed research approach will adopt causal, observational research design and descriptive ...
RUTUNDA, Rutunda Boniphace; CHOGO, Pamela(Institute of Accountancy Arusha (IAA), 2021-11)
The study assessing the role of data-driven decision-making in hospital administration management: A Case of Arusha International Conference Centre hospital
Decision-making is one of the most critical tasks that can have ...
MAKULA, James; MACLEAN, Rose T.(Institute of Accountancy Arusha (IAA), 2021-11)
This study assessed the level of technological adoption in manufacturing industries, the case of A to Z Textile Mills Limited, Arusha. Three specific objectives guided the study: to identify the major obstacles facing ...
JUMA, Said A.; LUBUA, Edison(Institute of Accountancy Arusha (IAA), 2021-11)
Insurance fraud is a growing issue that has an impact on members and businesses. Numerous efforts have been made throughout the years to identify fraudulent claims early on and before paying out the claims. However, it has ...
JOHN, Peter; KIWANGO, Thadei Dr.(Institute of Accountancy Arusha (IAA), 2021-11)
This study aimed at assessing the use of ICT services influence customer satisfaction in financial institutions. The DeLone and McLean Model of Information Systems Success and theory of Competitive Strategy was employed ...
CHARLES, Peter; KAVUTA, Karisha(Institute of Accountancy Arusha (IAA), 2021-11)
The world is now emphasizing the equitable health services with no discrimination and access to all and is almost in the move to the Universal Health Insurance (UHI) to ensure that everyone is covered with health insurance ...
KIWANGO, Thadei Dr.; KAMENDU, Musa P.(Institute of Accountancy Arusha (IAA), 2021-11)
Using a biometric attendance system is vital for systematically managing staff attendance. Despite the significance of this system, however, there are technological challenges restraining the effective implementation of ...
MSOLLA, Allan; CASIAN, Martina(Institute of Accountancy Arusha (IAA), 2021)
The commercial banking sector is very important for the economic development of the country. Financial services rendered to the community stimulate economic opportunities. This study sought to determine the effect of bank ...
NOAH, Maria G.; SENGATI, Frank(Institute of Accountancy Arusha (IAA), 2021-11)
It is generally accepted that security is a major concern among cyber devices and their users. Of recent, IoT has penetrated many aspects of human life, including social, economic, technical, and environmental. While being ...
MACKY, Erick; MSOLLA, Allan(Institute of Accountancy Arusha (IAA), 2021)
This study aimed to assess the factors influencing e-learning system usage in government secondary schools in Arusha District Council. The research adopted a non-experimental research design. Data were collected using ...
MAZENGO, Linda; SENGATI, Frank(Institute of Accountancy Arusha (IAA), 2021-11)
The Tanzania Development Vision 2025 highlighted that small and medium sized enterprises (SME) sector as among the key contributor to the long-term development This study aimed at exploring the impact of IT knowledge on ...
Lameck J. Nkurwa; (Institute of Accountancy Arusha (IAA), 2021-11)
This study was set to assess the strategies for enhancing ICT application in the attainment of quality basic education in public secondary schools in Arusha District, Tanzania. Although many secondary schools introduced ...
MUGAMBO, Joel; KIWANGO, Thadei Dr.(Institute of Accountancy Arusha (IAA), 2021-11)
Obviously, we are living with new technological advances which affect our everyday life. On top of that, social media is becoming popular for culture, particularly for the graduates. This study sought to the relationship ...
BWIRE, Jackson Magafu; MKUMBO, Happiness Lenard(Institute of Accountancy Arusha (IAA), 2021-11)
The objective of the study was to determine the effect of techno stress among health workers a case of Mount Meru Regional Referral Hospital in Arusha with the objective of exploring the causes, symptoms and effect of ...
The study has assessed the influence of system quality on the usefulness of ICT services provided to customers. The study used the explanatory research design and the quantitative approach. The sample size was 100 drawn. ...