is study investigates the pivotal role of technologicaladvancementsandinfrastructure
exportswithin Tanzania's horticulture value chain. Theprimaryobjectiveofthisresearchistodelve
into the contributions of technology and infrastructure to the enhancement of perishable cargo
handling for horticultural exports in Tanzania. The study assessed the effectiveness of perishable
cargo handling technologies employed at Kilimanjaro International Airport and Dar es Salaam Port
in facilitating the export of horticultural products. It identified and analyzed chalenges encountered
in the current implementation of perishable cargo handling technologies within the cold supply chain
at the airport and port.
Findings of the study revealed that, there has been a consistent increase in export volume over the
past five years, indicating growing demand for Tanzanian horticultural produce in international
markets. The sector has experienced steady growth, with an annual average increase of
approximately 5%,resulting in an annualexportvolumerisefrom280,000metrictonsin2017to
The study found that, Government policies have played a significant
3 5 0 , 0 0 0 m e t r i c t o n s i n 2 0 2 1 .
technological advancements inhorticulture, the study revealed that modern equipment and
handling throughoutthehorticulture value chain, fromcultivation and processing topacking,
shipping, and se.:r,o. Embracingtechnology has led to enhanced productivity and reduced post
harvest iosses