This study aimed to assess effectiveness of road safety rules and regulation towarth minimization
of accidents. The study was guided by using the following objectives; to explore the fa ;torsthat
c3'sed the ineffective of the safety rules and regulations of the roads use, to examine the rote of
read safety rules and regulations to effectiveness of roads safety rules and regulation toward
mintitation of roads accidents, to assess the management by the government authoritie7
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address the minimization of road accidents. The data was collected by using interview and questionnaire methods from local community in
Kaloleni ward. A sample size used was respectively 380 respondents. Data analysis was done by
using Microsoft Excel Office where numbers of frequency tables and graphs were plotted to analyze
the data Questionnaire were admitted to 380 respondents included included key informants from
LATRA TANROADS, and Police Traffic Officers of the city council, drivers, ward executive officer,
street chairpersons, Community (road users) and influential peoples in Community. The finding of the study showed that the presence of ignorance and corruption resulted to the
ineffective of roads safety rules and regulation of roads use, availability of awareness campaign of
road signs, speed maintenance, fairness on road use, education awareness, supervision,
awareness campaign in the community, policy making, record keeping and planning management
in the community participation resulted to the effectiveness of roads safety rules and regulation
towards minimization of roads