The purpose of this research is to examine the the effects of JVLUP in managing grazing land
resources in Kiteto District. A literature survey and pilot study is used to select the main
dimensions of land management programs for use in this study (Puling et al, 2018). This is
done because there are so many dimensions of land management program and each one is
appropriate within a particular country and community environment. The independent
variables within the framework are application of land use planning, creation of regulations
and bylaws, formation of grazing land and the number of villages incorporated by the plan and
the area coverage by the plan and the size of the enclosed grazing land. The dependent
variable is managing grazing land resources. The research in examining the effects of JVLUP
in managing grazing land resources was proposed to use descriptive-correlation study design
with quantitative approach. A non-probability sampling technique with stratified and simple
random sampling procedure as suggested by (Kumar, 2015) be used in selecting participants
(pastoralists and farmers) of the study from the four wards of Kiteto district. The main data
collection instrument was questionnaire and was distributed to 100 households in total. 91
usable responses were obtained for analysis through SPSS 23 version. The objectives of the
study were achieved through statistical analysis procedure by estimating means, standard
deviation, frequency, and correlation. The findings revealed that JVLUP implementation is
successful and highly rated by farmers and pastoralists in application of land use plan
approach being approved by 79% of the respondents, reducing land degradation approved by
89% and raising land productivity approved by 69% of the respondents in a sample. Following
the findings, it is recommended that the programme be extended to other parts of Kiteto
district and regions of the