This study analyzed the circumstances leading to Tanzanian customers' non-payment of water
charges in Arusha region. A case of Arusha Urban Water Supply and Sanitation Authority (AUWSA).
This study adopted descriptive research design. A total sample of 100 water users and AUWSA
officials were used in this study. Both quantitative and qualitative techniques were used. Both
interview, questionnaires and secondary data were used in this study. The data were analyzed both
qualitatively and quantitatively. The study concluded that processing Systems, delivery mechanism,
timeliness, follow ups and customer feedback (S.D= 0.432, M= 3.47 and S.D= 0.479, Mean= 3.70
and S.D= O.264 and Mean= 3.30 and S.D= 0.512) were the factors influencing billing system on the
non-payment of water bills b y Water consumers of AUWSA. In the second research objective, the
study concluded that they were undecided that pricing tariffs and tariff adjustments can influence of
cost of water on the non-payment of water bills to AUWSA in one way or another (M=3.13 and S. D=
0.570) and (M=2.83 and S. D=0.663) influenced of cost of water on the non-payment of water bills to
AUWSA. In the last objective, the study concluded that they agreed that consumer’s willingness to
Pay (M=3.50 and S. D= 0.656), reliability of water supply (M=3.50 and S. D=0.352), sufficiency of
water (M=3.77 and S. D= 0.525), quality of water (M=3.47 and S. D= 0.337), Awareness (M=3.50
and S. D= 0.408) influenced of water consumer behavior on the non-payment of water bilsto AUWSA.
It is recommended that, In order to reduce unbilled authorized consumption, installation of standard
meter design should be conducted align with repair of meter registration inaccuracies, AUWSA should
continue upgrading aged infrastructure in its utilities for enhancing sufficient water supply and reduce
risks associated with leakages and bursts, training and capacity building should be conducted to
customers and staffs regarding the importance of reserving and managing water resources in order
to streamline management of NRW fatalities