The horticulture development is inherently dependent on the export market featured under the
international trade. This study was undertaken to assess the contribution of digital marketing
platforms in improving farmers' access to horticultural markets a case study of Agromovil platform
The study was conducted in Arusha, Mbeya and Njombe regions involving Agromovil users. The
study used a stratified random sampling technique and data collected through interview method.
Basing on the nature of the study, researcher used qualitative approaches in analysing data through
content interpretation from the interviewed respondents.
The study revealed that digital marketing platforms plays a significant role in facilitating the
improvement of farmers access to both local and export markets. It was found that the current
growth of horticultural volume sold to export and domestic market is partly contributed through the
use of digital marketing platform such as Agromovil App The horticulture sector has an improved
post-harvest management due to the use of Agromovil platform since the platform provides key
value chain actors with real time information on availability of the produce, location and amount of
produce available at a time this at the end enhance timely decision makers of buyers and farmers
especially on logistics arrangements which influence timely pick up of the produce to the markets.
In conclusion, the horticulture markets are exposed to number of useful agriculture technology
which influence the growth of the sector as whole. It is recommended that the stakeholder should
make more efforts to promote technological revolution in Agriculture by taking into account any actor
in the value chain stating with small holder farmers especially women and youth, private sector,
international development agencies such as donors, government through respective ministries and other collaborators.