The study was conducted to access “The impact of television advertisement on sales performance of an organization”
using Balton Company as its case study. Four objectives that guided the study were, to examine motives that influence the
company to use television endorsement. to identify the relationship between television advertisement and brand equity, to
determine customers’ perception and opinion on television advertisement and lastly to find out the drawbacks/challenges of
using television advertisement on brand image. This study was a descriptive as it explains the relationship between
television advertisement and company sales performance a phenomenon which is known but the study will help increase
knowledge in the society. From the population 170 people were selected and interviewed to collect data for analysis.
Purposive sampling and convenient techniques were used. Tools used in data collection were questioners; the analysis of its
data was guided by descriptive model. The study came up with general conclusions that Balton Company uses television in
its adverts to create awareness and control the perception of the people on its goods and services, to make their products
and services more popular among the people and create a reputable company image. Television advertisement and
brand image have a positive relationship and also all of their dimens ions positively correlated hence the firm uses a lot of
procedures to make sure they use talents that allign with the values and goals of the company. Also, the study has revealed
most of customers are influenced and like adverts which are aired on televis ion than other modes the company use to
communicate the message to the audience. The biggest challenge identified is high cost that is allocated at every stage
of making a television advertisement. It is recommended that various elements should be consider ed when choosing them of
advertising as the mixture will help easy delivering of the message as there are other important factors that have to be
considered when creating an advert that has to be sent to a diverse society such as the nature of customers, t he race of the
customers but also a keen analysis has to be done to whether the analysis will have positive impact to the company as it is a
costly investment. Generally, television advertisement should be a way of creating awareness and attracting the cus tomers
but the quality of the goods and services will help fetch and retain the customer