This study assessed the trends in employee turnover and their influence on Labor mobility
within Tanzania’s private sector. A case study of selected tourism enterprises in Arusha. The
study was guided by the following specific objectives: To identify the rate of turnover at Selected
tourism companies in Arusha. To determine the reasons for employee turnover at Selected
tourism companies in Arusha. As well as to propose a workable solution to minimize turnover
at Selected tourism companies in Arusha. This study employed a descriptive research design.
This approach allowed for the generation of both qualitative and quantitative data, as it falls
under the category of mixed methods research. This study used a mixed research approach.
The qualitative approach served to comprehend underlying reasons, opinions, and motivations,
providing valuable insights into the identified problem and aiding in the formulation of
hypotheses for potential quantitative research. On the other hand, the quantitative approach
emphasizes objective measurements and involves statistical, mathematical, or numerical
analysis of data gathered through questionnaires. The findings from this study shows that,
employee turnover for these three tour companies is a valuable resource for understanding
employee movement and developing strategies to address high turnover. It provides a detailed
account of the dynamics of each company's workforce and can be instrumental in decision-
making and strategic planning. Furthermore, The findings from this study show that Salaries
and additional benefit packages, including housing, transportation, mileage allowances, health
services, and other offerings, are considered influential factors that may impact employees'
choices to leave their positions. Furthermore, findings from this study indicated that training
and development are solutions to turnover this was the majority of respondents agreed with
the statement that training and development are crucial for employee turnover in an
organization. Basing on the findings above, it is recommended that, Tourism companies must
restructure their salary scales and, if feasible, make them more competitive. Additionally, they
should revise and update their pay policies to mitigate the issue of labor turnover. The
government should take the initiative to conduct audits on private-sector employee
compensation to enhance efficiency in the workplace and boost employee morale