The study intended to assess the effectiveness of training on employees' .performance in local government authorities based in Arusha District Council The study was specifically aimed to determine the guideline for Training need assessment on employees' performance at Arusha DC. Determine the effectiveness of training methodology on employees' performance at Arusha DC and establish the effectiveness of training evaluation mechanism on the performance. of employee. at Arusha DC
The study used an explanatory research design and mix. Approaches, i.e. qualitative and quantitative The study population was 3,517 respondents comprising Head of Departments, Supervisors and Ordinary Employees. Whereby 359 respondents were used as a .sample size as extracted from the study population with the aid of Yamane Formula. Instruments applied in data collection were questionnaires for employees, interviews for supervisors, heads of departments and District Executive Director who were purposively selected for the study, while ordinary employees were randomly selected. Data were analyzed through a content analysis where the SPSS 21 version aided the analysis of quantitative data through descriptive statistics. Tables containing percentages and frequencies were used to present the study's findings. Throughout the study, ethical issues were adhered.
The study recommends the necessity of conducting effective Training Needs Assessment (TNA) by Head of Departments and Supervisors for training methodology, materials and assessment criteria to be relevant and effective to the employees and all stakeholders at Arusha District Council.