Technology, has transformed the whole world si-,t up in all industries of work banking industry included. in Tanzania at the beginning of e-banking, only a few numbers of customers would prefer it, due to some challenges, including reliability, accessibility and availability of such services. The aim of this study was to examine the effect of e-banking on customers satisfaction in banking industry- in Tanzania, using NMB Muleba PLC as a case of study. The specific objectives were to explore the attitudes of customers on e-banking services, to identify the risks related to electronic banking services and to find out how to address the risks pertaining to electronic banking services. The approach employed in this research were both quantitative and qualitative. The design of this study was a case study and the simple random sampling and purposive sampling, whereby purposive sampling used to get more of details. Documents reviewed to get secondary data found in books, journals and other literatures. The targeted group (Bank customers) was represented by a hundred respondents. selected randomly and15 respondents been bank professionals selected purposively. Therefore. the total number of respondents was 100, who were selected out of 2305 customers (Population). Data collection method employed include, interview, questionnaires, and documentary review. The targeted group (Bank customers and bank staffs estimated to be 2320 which were selected randomly to have equal chances of all customers to be selected The analysis of the findings done using statistical Package for Social Science Studies (SPSS), where by correlation and Regressions were used to measure the t and p status of the parameter/variables, On the other hand, qualitative data were analyzed using the thematical analysis method, The findings revealed that most respondent were those customers who had experienced banking service from one to years and the level of attitude analysis show that, the attitudes of Customers with e banking revealed that 89.7 percent were not satisfied while 10.3 percent of customers were satisfied with e-banking