dc.description.abstract |
The study sought to assess the effectiveness procurement planning on procurement
performance of public organizations in Tanzania. The principal question addressed by this study
is “what is the effect of procurement planning on procurement performance of public
organizations in Tanzania?” To answer this question and to achieve the primary objective of this
study, the researcher focused on Babati District Council as a case study. The study adopted
descriptive research design which allowed a detailed description and analysis of the variables
under study; describing and presenting their characteristics and explaining their relationships
without manipulation. The study employed a mixed approach with simple random sampling and
purposive sampling techniques to get a sample of 78 respondents from a population of 97 who
are employees of Babati District Council Headquarter. The study used questionnaires and
interview as the Field data collection instruments. Descriptive statistics were utilized to estimate
frequency, mean, standard deviation and percentages in the examination of respondent
characteristics and respondent’s data on independent and dependent variables. While
inferential statistics were employed to establish the causal link between the independent and
dependent variables. Presentation of the study findings was done through their calculated
mean, frequency, standard deviation, correlation and regression analysis. Essentially, the study
concludes that procurement planning variables which include; procurement needs assessment,
procurement budgeting and procurement method have got a positive significant relationship
with procurement performance of the Babati District Council Headquarters. Moreover, the study
concludes that conducting procurement needs assessment and budgeting in compliance with
procurement planning procedures contribute to the timely delivery of quality goods, works or
services, reducing unnecessary operational costs as well as satisfying customer by meeting
their intended demands. Finally, the study recommends that Babati District Council authorities
should capacitate its key stakeholders in the procurement process such as tender board
members, procurement management unit, user department by provide training on procurement
matters, PPA 2011 and its associated Regulations of 2013 concerning Preparation of annual
procurement plan and its implementation as capacity building measure in order to increase
efficiency in the procurement process and ensure compliance to the Acts and its Regulations. |
en_US |