The study intends to assess the effectiveness of annual procurement plan preparation on value for money
in public sector; a case of Arusha Urban Water Supply and Sanitation Authority. Specifically, the study aimed
to assess the effect of specifications, procurement schedule and procurement method on value for money
in public sector in Tanzania. The study used Principal Agent Theory, the agent theory is related to this study
in that, the Government (principal) and the private contractor, supplier or service provider (agent) can come
into a mutual procurement contractual agreement during a procurement process and explaining the
relationship between user departments (principal) and Procurement Management Unit (agent) with care
taken on value for money. The research design used is explanatory which allows a detailed description and
analysis of the variables under study; describing and presenting their characteristics and explaining their
relationships without manipulation. The sample of the target population composed of 197 respondents who
are employees of AUWSA. The study used questionnaires and interviews as the primary research
instrument. The data was coded as per the objectives to give distinct differences and multivariate regression
were done to look at the relationship of the variables. Presentation also was done through their calculated
mean, frequency, mode and the correlation analysis of the data collected. The study concluded that,
procurement planning variables which include; specifications, procurement scheduling and procurement
method have got a positive significant relationship with value for money in public entities in Tanzania. Given
the high percentage of respondents who said specifications and procurement scheduling are the most
important variables affecting value for money in public organizations and the explanations provided on the
value of procurement planning preparation, it is important to prioritize specifications and procurement
scheduling because they provide clarity to product providers on the desired results from the commodity and
helps the supplier to identify what is to be procured and the scope likely demands on supplies and the range
of works, goods or services required and avoid unnecessary cost which will emanate as a result of failure to
specify the requirements accordingly. Finally, the study recommends that, AUWSA Management should
ensure employee empowerment on procurement process especially on how to prepare specification for
various tenders. The empowerment of employees in preparation of specification will ensure specifications
are prepared properly as an initial stage of quality control, thus by doing so, value for money in procurement
process will be enhanced. Furthermore, AUWSA should ensure establishment of procurement standards in
order to maintain their requirements. AUWSA Management should ensure capacity building programs
including in house trainings are conducted frequently and ensure procurement stake holders are well
exposed on how to prepare procurement schedules. Public procuring entities should ensure that they employ
the most effective procurement methods that cost friendly for value for money to be realized.