The study assessed the impact of application of e-procurement in organizational performance.
This study employs descriptive research design. Specific objectives were three; To determine
the employee competence in e-procurement application towards organization performance.
Second objective was to identify tools used in e-procurement application towards organization
performance. And last one was to examine management commitment in using e-procurement
towards organization performance. The study were guided by E-technology perspective theory,
Technology Acceptance Model and E-procurement performance measurement model. The
targeted population was 415 and data were collected from 74 respondents. The study also
used both primary and secondary data to gather information from the respondents. Quantitative
data were analyzed using descriptive statistics that is frequencies, percentages, mean and
standard deviation. Qualitative data were analyzed using content analysis. The study findings
concluded that respondents had different opinion about the employee competence in e-
procurement application towards organization performance. The study concluded that
respondents had different opinion about the tools used in e-procurement application towards
organization performance. Specifically, respondents agreed that Internet bundles are the tools
used in e-procurement application towards organization performance. In the last objective, the
study concluded that agreed that management commitment in using e-procurement towards
organization Performance, this was evidence through assist employee to attend the training.
Most respondents believed that management is dedicated to e-procurement deployment, which
explains this result. The study recommends that public procurement entities should ensure that
ICT facilities are reliable such as computers and network coverage, and there is ICT security.
This will help e-procurement systems to run efficiently, the study recommends that public
procurement entities need to design training and other educational programs that motivate
individual staff to adopt and use the e-procurement system. The government should update the
current ICT policy so as to enhance and address the e-procurement challenges that have been
experienced in public offices. Also, the study recommends areas for further research as to
identify important criteria for implementation of e-procurement in private sectors in Tanzania.