The study aimed to examine the effectiveness of procurement framework agreement for common use
items and services in Tanzania: A Case of GPSA in Singida Region. A total sample size of 36
respondents were involved in this study. The study used a mixed research approach where by both
quantitative and qualitative were employed, Interview and questionnaires were used as the methods
of data collection, The study concluded that financial feasible was one among the criteria used to select
suppliers in the framework agreements in the study area, Majority of the respondents agree that
geographical location was associated with the criteria used to select suppliers in the framework
agreements in the study area. The suppliers and service providers are awarded the contract in a region
basis to allow procuring entities to select supplier who is geographical locations near to buyer. Furthermore, business certificate was associated with the criteria used to select suppliers in the
framework agreements in the study area. In the second, the study concluded that public procuring
entities and suppliers comply with terms and conditions of framework agreements in the study area. Study findings concluded that majority of the respondents were neutral on whether public procuring
entities and suppliers comply with terms and conditions of framework agreements in relation to
technical specifications. The study concluded that Majority of the respondents strongly agreed that
standards products is the challenge affecting effective implementation of framework agreements. Price
fluctuations affects the effective implementation of framework agreements, taxes application affects
the effective implementation of framework agreements, It is recommended that the criteria used to
select suppliers in the framework agreements were not comprehensive enough for realizing value for
money, therefore GPSA in collaboration with the PPRA should develop the criteria which are
comprehensive enough to evaluate the competence of suppliers and conduct post qualification in order
to verify the physical existence of suppliers before awarding framework agreements, GPSA in
collaboration with key stakeholders should improve the technical specifications which focus on the user
needs rather than commercial requirements.