Recruitment of new employees is a crucial stage in any organisation since no any organization
that does not want to recruit competent employees. In Tanzania recruitment of new employees
is a process that is faced with many challenges that impede the availability of competent
employees. On many occasions job seekers in the country have complained about the poor
system of recruiting new employees where such issues as regionalism, nepotism and so forth
have been brought into picture. To curb the situation, Tanzania introduced the electronic
recruitment system. The system was used to recruit in different sectors and recently it was used
to recruit new employee teachers. What remained an unanswered question was whether the
same system could be used to recruit competent teachers in public primary schools in Tanzania.
This study aimed to examine the contribution of electronic recruitment on the availability of
competent teachers in public primary schools in Tanzania using Monduli District as its case
study. The study objectives were to determine influence of e-attracting recruitment on the
availability of competent teachers in Monduli, to determine influence of e-shortlisting recruitment
on the availability of competent teachers in Monduli and to find out influence of e-selecting
recruitment on the availability of competent teachers in Monduli. The study adopted a cross
sectional research design and a quantitative approach. Questionnaires and interviews were
used as the main tools of data collection. The study involved a population of 2500 from which
96 respondents were sampled out. The sample included 30 head teachers, 40 employed
teachers, and 25 unemployed teachers. The study revealed that e-attracting was useful as it
attracted many applicants and while the e-shortlisting was useful since it was unbiased and
shortlisting was done to the competent applicants only. Further findings show that the e
selection helped calming the general public on the issues of recruitment. Finally, the study
recommends that the system should be used in all posts ranging from heads of units and
departments and the aspirants will be required to apply and go through the process.