The current study examined the effects of skill trainings offered by government and government
organizations on the establishment of new micro, small, and medium enterprises in Tanga
region. It was conducted at SIDO Tanga found in Tanga –Tanzania. This study was guided by
Resource-Based Entrepreneurship Theory. The current study used a quasi-experimental
design. The study used a sample of 171 respondents selected by using simple random
sampling. Data were collected by using questionnaire. Validity and reliability was assured. The
data were analyzed by using multiple regression analysis. The study findings show that the
regression coefficient on this variable that is food processing training offered by SIDO Tanga
was found to be 0.83. The first null hypothesis was rejected at p-value =0. 000 because a p value was less than 0.05. The second objective of the current study was to determine the
influence of soap and cosmetics training on establishment of MSMEs in Tanga city. Soap and
cosmetics training has slope coefficient (β) of 0.24 with its P-Value=0.261 that is greater than
0.05 level of significance. The second null hypothesis was not rejected at p-value 0.261. Lastly,
the third objective of the current study was to determine the effect of chalk-making training on
establishment of MSMEs, the chalk-making training done by SIDO has slope coefficient (β) of
0.844 with its P-Value (Sig.) of 0.000 that is less than 0.05 level of significance. The third null
hypothesis was rejected at p-value 0.000 that is less than the level of significance (0.05). This
study recommends that SIDO must continue providing trainings in many areas of
entrepreneurship because these trainings have shown positive impact on the establishments of
small and medium businesses. SIDO Tanga must ensure that enough budget is allocated in
order to facilitate those who are conducting these trainings.