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The Effects of Work Scheduling on Employee Performance in Manufacturing Industries in Tanzania

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dc.contributor.author MOSHI, Jackson. D
dc.date.accessioned 2024-08-09T09:19:13Z
dc.date.available 2024-08-09T09:19:13Z
dc.date.issued 2023
dc.identifier.uri http://dspace.iaa.ac.tz:8080/xmlui/handle/123456789/2675
dc.description.abstract (1,141f - ; : :ri=art-pq r '*-;Artiar Vv" %,I tftA;:1 'I' t".° tole"' 11-'01 3414040dPr40•4141(46-781 - rahltX1 toctinott.041tCh) r'7*0" ,t -oft"" $ toir42/4742rf;i2rilaltri as: tvi ;.*A4:1 -.1 rAt.ese,liAstckiii to' "Y'le.Oitar4orgar etzmoss miqe•iip 0104,0C tizrc ZAit wit pi ct„antn 00 41001 0 '. * * 4 ) " v a t r I r : U T *` •24- ;2 0-4 2 .-k4$11 :4 rat:AtIP It -43e 4/ 06 '00 441140 4wrAlits vsyr , tucts-wetc Ør 4ra t , ,s c ,evo f L A` ,'="r• —■.11 s '1 44: tfots" . .2. -Aftirt:fx r t•c.r f 1's z'.4', v■-••":` 'WO P1.1"r''''.-v ,t ," -rs -, -r -1-44-11.0ttrf' 421 4 rEt.rpelt : tesltigt *11 NIA tfiortit't t :A* 4 : t i t i 1:. • t-oh--I'It • : • • , • : v.: : : 4 ) , •-• wt* f: 4:1 ..471x:41 -,1,t;-!-:;itsibt -ilit': .11*( 1 , :t: 111144;r4 .0.bwr ..; tt:1147r141, 4tre4t* 4341; 'ii211 131('34 24434'11 I I . • , .. i',31 i• tit t1,1) 311'2lt 1 10 ;1'0,1)31ics. •t :4 , 1•.:! 'J..: : 1* l'itsi• •;;t‘ziritirt.: 11 '; h1 * i -• : 71•i 11:1- ttc-A t 1 0 '40: -, : f1 :.! ! , , 2 - 1 - 1 : 2 . : ;I t - , s i ! • :; - .1 ,11t -11 .1:4•3 2trt --t -t;Iser**1 10 •• I *; 1 : 1 " t : ' • 1 f •• ...0j : 2 1, 2 : ••; t . t: 2 ••( 1 1 . ) 2 i 1 1 : t-fzir C rsIt.tv- 1' i• I.: to -I' r tit s : • 4 . t :; ..........................................................................................................tA,Ik tie;,"41411cjf ..,1t-04„K1-1 ce-L 14 • F " • : 1 • 71:et -I—I—fen! 1 vv." tc,r`t •T : zt -4, If 11'14 :1'4 trr srt; -f ratializaltre : i t 1 , 0 1 rs.7.1 , 4 A'%.101: •11.0.! ir lef .-Cr;!1 .1"; :f ;tryjort "s f . . 1 4r , i5 1 .'4 to ..54.11 ri."), tr,:# en_US
dc.language.iso en_US en_US
dc.publisher IAA en_US
dc.title The Effects of Work Scheduling on Employee Performance in Manufacturing Industries in Tanzania en_US
dc.title.alternative A case of Tanelec company limited in Arusha en_US
dc.type Thesis en_US

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