..,study carried outto assess the influence of die:Aster and erree.,e7ey -,-
rformance ofTanzania airportsThespecificobje,ctivesofther,tudfwere ln " of disaster and emergency preparedness on the performancc.: of JK tirere
examine the influence ofresponse capacity on the performance r.,f JK
outtheinfluence ofrecovery strategiesontheperformanceof JKinternaticna , cross sCctionalresearch design while stratified and purposive samp:ng
select 80 respondents.Datawere collected through questionnaire and in`A~,..e,, :
analyses using descriptive, inferential and content analKis, The study rce-;
emergencypreparednesshavemajorinfluenceontheperformanceof JK :r :-7.cr
- smcetheairporthasa comprehensivesysteminplacetoidenttypc
revealedthatresponsecapacityhasmajorinfluenceonthe performanceof,IK e, This is due to the factthatthe evacuation plan at JK International;e7..atis —E.'" easily accessible. Findings suggestthat higherlevels ofresponse ca:;:c4 ars:Kc.7t-e...:
majorinfluenceontheperformanceof JKinternationalairport.This isdueto 2: planat JKInternationalAirportis comprehensiveandwell-documented,The ee, 0,01 confirms the statistical significance ofthis correlation. The corre:a;:on s
0 . 0 1
),indicatinga strongpositive relationshipbetween thesevariblesTheccre'o.'..ce
01'05(p< 0.01),indicatinga strongpositive relationshipbetweent7ese
higher levels of response capacity are associated with ttter performance ty r
incidents. The significance level of p < 0.01 confirms the statistical s:;;;n.'.'cx. Also, there is a strong positive correlation of 0.873 (p < 0.01), This imp es
recovery capacity are associated with better performance by JNIA in
significance level of p < 0.01 confirms the statistical significance of th's `"N: I concluded thatdisaster and emergency preparedness,response capacity ay.10
affecttheperformanceof JKinternational airport.Thestudy rNommends
Nyerere InternationalAirport shouldcontinue toprioritize investmentin d.,,
,,a.AY tv'xnvoc.N
preparednessmeasures tominimize theimpactofnaturaldisastersand ettai. theairportsperformance.