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An Assessment of the Role of Traditional Leaders in Managing Maasai Land Conflicts in Tanzania

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dc.contributor.author NDEMBEKA, Yotham
dc.date.accessioned 2024-08-07T08:49:28Z
dc.date.available 2024-08-07T08:49:28Z
dc.date.issued 2023
dc.identifier.uri http://dspace.iaa.ac.tz:8080/xmlui/handle/123456789/2608
dc.description Supervisor..MJIGA, Mkama en_US
dc.description.abstract vI A11111lig ha study fifit•0411 1110 koln Ot 'traditional I enders ire014 tit, 4i Ifird (?)rit'05 hiI011tildt)bit3111 1linNKK,Ifif.;obiodivosofthe§lady'mit§fl§folltnA,16stoll the capar.ity Iroditionolloorlqn; rmolving land r,onflict$,to inviAlitpltittm tAmtnanitts nivelofnworonof.4§ %/IglooInwmidmonitions(joverninqlandconfitrts;hrldtodetf3rmine obstaclestowardkind Lonoidodi,5trict .irirtiAryDatawere collected from 31 tot;liondonhi, horn who wero kind uv.ir5, Di f:410 fil6mbfir of Parliamont, 1)15trict L.!xocutivo Diroctor,[loads of Lend Divafirmni: tariff Cf -Jumil Chairman, The study 1.1150 modGoconthiry(Iotaas Information from litorataro rokiw, Ouarifilativo data WOR1 analyzed to doss riptive fittlihtiCri such as frequencies, vitimikm, rnean and standard deviation, Qualitative cloth were analyzod using content anal/ A, rho Mud, findings concluded thatloaderswhowowouppesed to resolvotho land conflictswerenot able to solve land conflicts because they had no enough skills, This was attributed by lack of educafion among the traditional loaders,In the second objective,the study concluded that majority ofthe villageloadershavoboonelectedin2019andhavenotboontrainedinanythingaboutgood governanceandalsobecausemanyvillageshavenovillageexecutiveofficers itbecomesa seriousproblemonunderstandinganlawsas copiesoflandlawsandlanduseplan,Lastly, the study concluded thatthere wore various obstacles hindering land conflictresolution, Villageleadersarepronetocorruptionandarebe alwayssuspectedtothat,becauseofthe natureofworktheyaredoing,thathappensbecause,theyarenotpaidanything,theyworkas volunteers forthewholeperiodoftheirleadership,Itis recommendedthat,LongidoDistrict Council shouldundertakeincreasedefforts incapacitybuildingthroughconstantprovisi eaderspe onof rtainingtolawsandregulationsguidingsustainablela e d u c a ndtothe t i o n t o l o c a l l localleaderswhomostofthemaremembersofthewardlandtribunals.Thiscanbecarried outthroughformaltrainingsessionsandthroughfrequentworkshopsandawareness rising as also contributed to the among both the leaders and the local population. Capacity building w improvement oflocal leaders in land conflict management , The village chairpersons have to bepaid some allowances as the councilors arepaid,ratherthanworking as a volunteerforthe periodoffiveyears.This situationInvites themtoengageintocorruptbehaviors,Effectiveland useplans shouldhe implementedinthe area ofthestudy andotherareas inthecountry. providelanddeed.Bydoingso Effectivelandurgeplanswasdemarcateclearboundariesand itwashelptominimizelandconflicts tothelargeextent. en_US
dc.language.iso en_US en_US
dc.publisher IAA en_US
dc.title An Assessment of the Role of Traditional Leaders in Managing Maasai Land Conflicts in Tanzania en_US
dc.title.alternative A case study of Longido district council en_US
dc.type Thesis en_US

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