The purpose of the study was to Assess the Role of 1..),;p:sirtrrintincombating
Illegal Immigrants in
Tanzania; A case study of Horohoro, mic;ro tho first three specific
objectives focused on the influence of information flow in c‘..irrit,;;ing 'illegal immigrants at
Horohoro border. To as ses s the strategies used by il legal
Officers to control illegal
immigrant at Horohoro border. To examine the effect of cowiration between coercive
apparatus and the civilians in managing immigrants at Horohoro bordAr. The study was
conducted in Tanga Region at Horohoro border. Permissible illegal immigration theory control
and Rational Choice theory, together with other empirical studies conducted in the developed
countries were used as a basis for the development of the conceptual framework. The study
employed case study research design using both quantitative and qualitative approaches were
employed for findings triangulation purposes. The convenience sam w
used to collect data from 60 res ng techniques ere
pondents using questionnaires and interviews. SPSS software
was used to analyze data. The study findings indicated that information, strategies and
cooperation between coercive apparatus and the civilians has positive effect in managing
illegal immigrants. Finally, the study concluded that, at illegal immigrants can be well
controlled when information is shared at the right time, good strategies are formulated and
there's intensive cooperation at the border area. Also, the study recommended the
Government to provide conducive environment to immigration officers by giving training and
introduced some system that will help them in controlling immigrants.