This study investigated the impact of socioncon
Tanzania, with a focus on agricultural, industrial, and livestock practices Utozril ci
omic on\Nato
-2rrx,;ircity nira;
the Commons and Water-Food-Energy Nexus frameworks, a cross-sectional din:
, .,3n imithtri 1E
participants was employed to address a gap in empirical research whin the Rufli taSin In the
Mbarali district. Data analysis was conducted through SPSS software. The fin ctn9s
significant positive correlation between heavy irrigation and water scarcity, emphasizing the
for targeted interventions in agricultural practices. Surprisingly. sustainable agricultural practice
including precision irrigation and eco-friendly fertilizers, demonstrated substantial potental in
mitigating water scarcity impacts. The study also exposed a sinificant povi
-ve relationship
between industrial activities and water scarcity, aligning with established I,terature on industries
contributing to water pollution and scarcity. Factors such as increased poptfation. chem:cal induced water degradation, and stresses from water cooling and fabrication hg:ghted the
complex dynamics that policymakers need to address through stringent environmental regulations
on industrial discharges. Livestock activities presented diverse perspectives among pxticipants, with varying degrees of perceived impact. Pesticides-induced residual wateremerged as a
significant contributor to water stress in this context. Notable impacts vi
.ere observ€.
,d with ferVizer.
induced water degradation and overgrazing inadequate water, underscoring the pivotal role of
pesticides in influencing water scarcity associated with livestock activities. In conclusion, the
findings advocate for sustainable agricultural practices as a key avenue for addressing water
scarcity challenges effectively. The study recommends stringent regulations on industrial activities
to mitigate their environmental implications and emphasizes the need for tailored strategies in
addressing livestock-related water scarcity, acknov,iedging diverse stakeholder perceptions. Integrating community-focused programs and enforcing stringent environmental guidelines are
essential components of a holistic approach to developing comprehensive solutions for tackling
water scarcity challenge