This study examined the Cross-Level outcomes of High-Performance Work Systems (HPWS) on the
company and employee outcomes. At the company level, the study assessed the outcomes of HPWS
utilization on innovative performance of an organization. Data was collected from selected commercial
banks in Mwanza-Tanzania. The respondents in the company level included the HR managers, the CEOs
of the banks, the bank managers and the head of department in the banks. The study was guided by
social exchange theory. Social exchange theory (SET) is a theory that is used in social and management
science to explain the relationship between employees and employers in a working environment. The
study also was guided by social exchange theory and socio – emotional motivational constructs of future
time perspective as they are factors towards the superior performance of organization. This research
used hierarchical liner modeling approach to test the relationship between the company level and
employee level. The study also seeks to test the mediation effect of FTP between HPWS and IWB. This
study employed survey design. This study employed questionnaires as a main tool for data collection.
Purposive sampling was employed. Descriptive statistics were used as a method for data analysis. The
study's findings highlight a positive and significant correlation between future time perspective and
innovative work behaviors among employees in the Tanzanian banking sector. This insight provides a
valuable lens through which researchers can understand the psychological mechanisms driving
innovation within this specific context. The implications extend beyond academia, offering practical
insights for practitioners in Tanzania's banking sector.