The study assessed community policing role in safeguarding peace and security in Tanzania:
A case of Dodoma City. Three specific objectives guided this study. These are to examine the
perceptions of the community on the partnership between police and community, to examine
the impacts of community policing, and to determine the challenges community police officers
face when exercising their roles. Community theory and system theory guided the study. The
conceptual framework was also part of the guidance of the study. Empirical studies were
reviewed according to the study objectives in order to make the base for the need of the study.
The study employed a qualitative research approach. The sample size involved was 30
participants who were obtained through purposive, convenience and snowballing sampling
technique. The data collection methods involved were: semi-structured interviews, Focus
Group Discussions, and documentary reviews and was analyzed through thematic analysis.
Findings revealed that people had a negative perception on community policing partnerships
as it was not well informed, unknown, and ineffective, and didn’t solve people’s problems due
to their unknowledgeable members. Moreover, unknown community policing partnerships had
some impacts on policing including contribution for policing equipment and upsurge of crime
incidences among others. Consequently, community policing was challenged by poor capital
of community members, lack of support from police, lack of integrity, transparency and
accountability among police, and poor attitude towards community policing. Recommended
strategies to help implementation of community policing in a more effective way include
employing trainings to police in community policing and improved collaboration between
community and police for law enforcement. Finally, there should be sensitization of the
community to engage in community policing by using their own techniques in solving crimes
happening in their society.