The research intends to assess the influence of socio-demographic factors on stadium
security management in Tanzania. Specifically, the study was conducted to assess the
demographic factors influencing attendance of fans, examine the social factors influencing
attendance of fans and determine the management factors influencing stadium security. The
research in making the assessment used the systems theory of security management. The
proposed research designs were descriptive and correlation study designs with quantitative
approach. A non-probability sampling technique with purposive sampling procedure as
suggested by (Kumar, 2018) was used in selecting participants of the study from Arusha Region.
The main data collection instrument was questionnaire and was distributed to 204 respondents.
The collected data were analyzed using SPSS 23 version. The tools of analysis including
statistical analysis are used and the obtained information are presented through percentages,
tables, pie charts, histograms, and bar charts. The empirical results showed that all socio demographic except norms and some dimensions of age particularly elderly and low level of
income influences fans’ preference to attend stadium sport events. The managerial factors
except good governance and infrastructure influences stadium security outcomes. Following the
findings and conclusion made, it was recommended that leadership should embark on
modernizing infrastructure and good governance enhancing stadium security outcomes. In
conclusion, generalizing these findings for all stadiums may require further investigation using
longitudinal data and mixed approach.