This study assessed the contibution of motivstion on teacher's performance in public Primary school in Tanzania. Mkuranga District The study was guided by four specific objectives: identified and examine teacher motivation schemes in public primary schools; examine the relationship between teachers' motivation and performance ; and examined the cahallenges encountered inthe implementation of the available motivation schems in public primary schools and determned the ways of overcoming the challenges related to teachers motivation at at Mkuranga District. The sample Sae of the study was 100 respondents cove, schools in Mkuranga Distnct. The data were analyzed through the support of SPSS Oat.. Package for the Social Sciences) software, winch use for logical batched and non-icgicai batched statistical analysis, and the content analysis was used to analyzed qualitative data. in relation to teachers' motivation schemes, the findings reveal that, respondents menbo. grade rewarding, tob detainment and good relationship as the key motivation schemes. The other category is promotion among teachers. recognition and WI grants loans as the test motivation schemes. Also, the findings show different challenges encounmred m implemenmbon of centrally initiated motivation schemes for public primary school teachers The fidings show that shows that insufficient fund was the main challenge in implementing motivation schemes. The study concluded that employee's motivation is essential for increase teachers' commitment in delivery services. The findings suggested that health and water services, improve transportation and provision of electricity as the way to reduce challenges encountered. The study concludes that, there should be reasonable strategies to arrest and improve the issue of implementing motivation schemes on public primary schools' leachers. The study recommends the government to continue putting more efforts on improving the working conditions by building more houses with availability of such services as electricity and water for teachers, building laboratories with equipment and improving classrooms conditions and teaching facilities to facilitate easy teaching.learnIng processes