The study assessed e-extension services delivery performance on food security project in Tanzania The study was guide with three specific objectives namely explore digital extension services used by small-scale farmers in Karatu region, to ascertain the areas of importance of E- extension service performer on components food security. and to determine the relationship between E-Extension service on food security prole.. Mid muth. was used PY qualitative and quantitative methods all together with the information for the study gathered using questionnaires a. interviews among fanners and the key informants.Findings indicated that wilt, digital extension services several had been identified including livestock, fertilizers. soil health and integrated pest management_ Despite that. with areas of importance sever. were identified including weather forecasting, financial services, land and commodity price. Moreover,. the relationship between the services and food security projects; six predictors were test. including weather forecasting information. disease and pesticide outbreak. financial services. access to agro inputs, access to output market and adv., services on good agronomics practices. Findings revealed that that ,our predictors among six tested including weatner forecasting information. financiat services, disease and Pesticide outbreak and access to agro inputs are positive with significant effect statisticaily on food security projects vnth p<0.05. However. access to output market and advisory services on good agronomics practices were found positive wth insignificant effect on food security projects viith p0.05. This implies that food security projects in Tanzania through e-extension services among smallholder farmers is influenced with weather forecasting information, financial servic.. disease and pesticide outbreak and access to agro inputs.