The main objective of the study was to analyzed factors enhancing the performance of multicultural projects in Arusha. Communication, leadership style, and conflict resolution management remain unique instruments in managing multicultural project constructions effectively. The study used descriptive statistics as a way of data analysis. A pilot study was carried out to determine the reliability of the study using the Cronbach Alfa Coefficient. A Cronbach’s alpha of 0.82 was obtained which proved that the questionnaire items were reliable. The study comprised a population of 120 contractors and the number of selected respondents to the questionnaire survey was determined at 55. To attain this objective, the study was guided by the following specific objective; how does effective communication enhance the performance of multicultural project teams in the construction industry? The questions were coded and analyzed using an SPSS program version 20. The study concluded that one of the reasons why most construction projects fail to finish on time is due to a lack of communication skills between workers and their supervisors. According to these findings, largely, employees appreciate the influence of communication skills when performing their duties but lack badly that component of language interaction, which hinders a lot of progress. Such scenarios of language barriers, mostly, have impinged the development of the projects in many places. The study recommends that induction on language skills must be made a priority for both local and international employees and also working procedures must be put to the open for every worker to read and understand what is required of them in the workplace.