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(IAA, 2024)
An assessment was conducted at Rufiji district to ascertain the effects of land dispute
between farmers and pastoralists, the main objective of the study was to assess the
impact of land disputes between farmers and ...
SOMBI, Happiness N.
(IAA, 2024)
The study investigated the challenges hindering the implementation of the seasonal
closure of fishing activities in Mwanza City Council, Tanzania. Presence of indicators of
declining of fish production caused by ...
NG’UMBI, Marco
(IAA, 2024)
(IAA, 2024)
This study investigated GBV and its economic impacts of on women in Babati Town
Council, Tanzania. By focusing on three primary objectives to identify types of
Gender-Based Violence that affect women’s economy in Babati ...
(IAA, 2024)
The performance of community policing is imperative in combating crime in communities
through bridging the trust gap, providing mutual support, and enhancing collaboration.
Although community policing was incepted in ...
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MSOLLA, Allan (6)
HYERA, Dennis (5)
RWABISHUGI , Leticia (5)
KIWANGO, Thadei Dr. (4)
MASANJA, Elirehema Z. (4)
EMMANUEL, Simon (3)
FESTO, Fanuel (3)
GODWIN, Frank (3)
KAGORO , Valence (3)
KIWALA , Philipina (3)
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